I.    Introduction

A.       Words with multiple meanings

B.       Misuse of words with multiple meanings

C.       Multiple meanings of book


II.   Body

A.       Book is a written/ printed work consisting of pages bound together

1.         History

a.          Origin

b.         Development (Physical)

c.          Development (Socio-cultural)

2.         Types

a.          Novels

b.         Dictionaries

c.          Manuals

B.       Book is to reserve in advance

1.         Cause: To book a reservation

2.         Effects

a.          Restaurant: To get a table fast

b.         Hotel: To get a room with a good deal

c.          Library: To reserve research materials

C.       Book is to leave suddenly/quickly

1.         Origin

2.         Use in media


III.   Conclusion

A.       Popular definitions of book

B.       Importance of words with multiple meanings

C.       Using words carefully


TS: Book is a word that can be defined as a printed or written work bound together, advance reservation, and the act of sudden depart



A variety of the word book in the English language

There are a million words in the English language but men and women speak no more than a few thousand each day. It would not be surprising to know that people re-use these words over and over again; however, it is easy to mix-up the words for they have multiple meanings. Homonyms, or words with the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings, are very common when people are reading, writing and talking (Words with multiple meanings, n.d.). It is easy to mix-up homonyms and understand them on completely different stands. Using a homonym the wrong way could change an entire sentence. It causes confusion and miscommunication. Other than miscommunication, it also provokes the use of the wrong words for sentences. An example of a homonym is the word book. Book is a word that can be described as a printed or written work bound together, advance reservation, and act of sudden depart.


Book is most popularly known as a written and printed work consisting of pages bound together. Now these books have a long history as early as 3500 B.C. It was the Sumerian who lived in South Mesopotamia who started carving symbols into tablets to communicate with others. Later on, these tablets evolved into Papyrus scrolls made from the leaves of the Papyrus plant. These scrolls then originated from Egypt. Next were the Greeks who developed Parchment paper which they used as their main writing material. It was not until 868 A.D. where China developed the first printed book using blocks of wood, dipped in ink, and stamped on sheets of paper (Evolution of the book, n.d.). Throughout history, books began changing and evolving until they have become what people now recognize as eBook; despite their physical change, books have also evolved content wise, Fiction (Books that have been made up) and Non-Fiction (Books based on real life) are the two types of books readers can find today. Under fiction, there are different genres such as romance, horror and drama. While under non-fiction, people can find books such as biographies and travel books (List of book types or genres, n.d.).


To book something is known to be making a reservation in advance. Just some of the places people can conduct reservations include restaurants, hotels and libraries. It is important that when people go to a restaurant, especially a fancy one, that they make a reservation. Making a reservation at a restaurant will guarantee both security and comfort. Customers will be secured that they have an available table waiting for them and they will be comfortable getting a seat right away instead of waiting in line (Table reservation, 2017). Another way people use book as a reservation is when they decide to book a hotel and popular method for booking this is through the internet. It is very helpful especially for last minute arrangements in the event of travelling since some hotels have discounts if there are rooms still available. Aside from the internet, clients can also book a hotel room through telephone, going to the hotel directly, or using a travel agent (Online hotel reservations, 2017). Another importance for booking is for reserving materials in the library. From files to books, it would speed up research and make it easier for to reserve materials in advance so that they would not get lost.

Book is a verb that translates to leaving in a quick manner. It is derived from the Dutch word, “boeken” which when used in the sentence becomes “we boeken’m” or “laten we’m boeken” which translates to “Let’s get out of here quickly!” (English language and usage, n.d.). The term originated somewhere between the 60’s and 70’s (Etymology of the word `book’ meaning `go’, 2008); although, then it meant to leave a party to study. In the 1990’s, it became popularized with African-Americans as slang or street talk for “leaving quickly! Despite it not being a popular term in today’s society, this definition for book surfaced in the media. In 1995, a popular teen movie called Clueless was released and in the movie “book” was used as such in the line, “We gotta book it if we’re going to make it to PE” as the main character, Cher, gestures to leave a certain place in a rushed manner to avoid being late to her PE class. Aside from the movie, book was also popularized and used in such a meaning in other movies such as Pulp Fiction (1994) and Chasing Amy (1997). It also appears in the novel “Homeboy” by Seth Morgan in the line “We gotta book-fast.” (English language and usage, n.d.).

Book is a word that can be defined as a printed or written work bound together, advance reservation, and the act of sudden depart. People use this word so often in their everyday conversations. Whether it is used as a noun or verb, the word ‘Book’ has always been a prominent part of our vocabulary; because it is used so often, it is important that people understand which meaning pertains to a certain situation. It is important that people understand the importance of distinguishing the appropriate meaning to the event being described. The misuse of words out of proper context can lead to misunderstanding and confusion. It also causes miscommunication between parties and the others involved. It is important that people choose their words wisely for it perceives how other people understand them. Choosing the right words in the appropriate situations makes conversation easier and clearer.


Etymology of the word `book’ meaning `go’. (n.d.). Retrieved from       http://ask.metafilter.com/80636/Etymology-of-the-word-book-meaning-go
Evolution of the book. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sfbook.com/the-evolution-of-the-book.htm


List of book types or genres. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://reference.yourdictionary.com/books-literature/different-types-of-books.html


Online hotel reservations. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_hotel_reservations


Table reservation. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_reservation


What is the origin of the slang term “book” meaning “leave” or “hurry”? (n.d.) Retrieved from https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/54175/what-is-the-origin-of-the-slang-term-book-meaning-leave-or-hurry


Words with Multiple Meanings. (n.d.).Retrieved from http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/for-students-and-parents/words-with-multiple-meanings.html







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